Inchoate Elk

This is the web page for Inchoate Elk. It's a one-man operation. I make VR games and such. Judge me based on those, not my web page.

The best way to get in contact with me is at the Discord server

Privacy/data/etc. policy: I don't collect your data and wouldn't do anything with it if I did.

Current Projects

Non Fingo, VR Space Simulation Game

Non Fingo is in the middle of a complete rewrite in order to upgrade the engine, but if you must have it, it's available:

Free VR Template for Unreal Engine 5.1

The free VR template is in its third iteration, and is currently built for Unreal Engine 5.1. It uses Blueprints exclusively. It has lots of options for locomotion and item interaction. Multiplayer works out of the box.

I recommend the source built version because it will be free forever and has slightly more features. Updates for the launcher version will be available on the Unreal Marketplace eventually.